And yet, because of the strength of the writing, the way the story enfolds feels quite natural and exciting. The game makes such a huge point early on about stressing that you joined the army to become a hero and how disappointed you are with your current position that it comes as no surprise to absolutely anyone when you're suddenly called upon to save the realms.
The series continues its tradition of fine writing bolstered by a dry sense of humour. Half the fun of the series has always been exploring strange new locales, and too much of where you go in Avernum tends to feel familiar.

Oh, dear, is it another mushroom farm and lizard caravan? Ho, hum.

If you've played any of the previous games, Avernum's gloomy underground terrain will have lost much of its mysterious appeal, and the game just doesn't feel like it's trying to surprise you anymore. The game looks basically the same since its initial installment, despite some minor graphical changes and improved interface, and it winds up feeling a little stale as a result. While the turn-based combat does give you a chance to plan your strategies, after a while it just feels frustratingly slow and tedious, as does constantly tapping to search your surroundings for items. This final installment was their chance to wow us with something new, and instead Avernum 6 barely tries anything different at all. What's actually disappointing is the lack of evolution the series has displayed. They're teeming with angry enemies for us to beat expensive armor out of, and the last in the series is no slouch. It features the same massive, open maps that you can explore however you want with your hit points as your only deterrent. Probably.)Īnalysis: While a younger generation will probably be reminded of most recent open world titles, us oldsters who remember when polygons were a strange new concept will probably be reminded of the early Ultima series, minus the silly author insertion. the bigger the treasure horde it's usually sitting on top of. The more enemies you topple, the stronger your characters will get, gaining points you can spend to increase their skills to your liking. Once the threat is dealt with, click the crossed swords symbol to shift back into peace mode and clean your wounds. Battles are turn-based, and you shift into combat mode whenever an enemy is close enough. Click on an area to walk there, or on an item or person to interact. The game is a top-down-and-to-the-side view RPG, and while it offers a big heaping helping of customiseable keyboard shortcuts that may be intimidating, most of the game is played simply by pointing and clicking. You have a main quest you're supposed to be doing, but chances are you'll forget what it is because you'll get distracted by some sort of glowing mystical doo-dad on the horizon and wind up embroiled in a bunch of dungeon crawling for hours before you remember that maybe you should get on that whole "world saving thing". You strike out into the world with your party of four customiseable heroes, save a lot because you'll die a whole bunch, and engage in turn-based strategic combat with flea-ridden unicorns in between trying to pawn off the various household objects you nick from other people. If you've never played the Avernum series, allow me to sum up the main concept for you. Never visited Avernum before? No worries, bub this gig is strictly "no experience necessary". and luckily for Avernum, you might know just where to find them. At the same time, the lizard people known as the Slithzerikai make their move, striking at the severely weakened and desperate Avernites and sparking off a war the people can ill afford. Just when you thought everyone's favourite underground civilisation was in the clear, a blight strikes the precious few crops capable of growing beneath the earth and famine begins to take hold.

Spiderweb Software's iconic RPG series comes to a close with Avernum 6. It's time to buckle your swashes and stock up on Dragon-B-Gone (Dragon-B-Gone has not yet been evaluated by the FDA) and strike out one last time.